Thursday, April 26, 2012
HP Pavilion DV7 Review- It's Not Good
All I wanted was a basic functional laptop. I wasn't looking for anything fancy. After lots of research, I chose the HP Pavilion DV7. I had an HP before and I liked it. It was better than the Dells I've had that have gone through power cords and mother boards and hard drives. For the money, it looked like a good deal. It also has a 17" screen, which I figured would be good because I spend a lot of time at the computer (probably 10 hours a day) and I can use as much assistance as I can get with making the display readable. I've had the laptop for about a month, maybe two.
Two keys have fallen off the keyboard. I hesitate to call customer service. As I recall from my last HP, they require you to send the laptop in for service. I may as well save my time and just buy a keyboard because that is never going to happen. There is an odd thing that happens with the mouse or the keystrokes. It is either a combination of keystrokes or a super-sensitivity of the mouse, but at times the cursor flies up to a section of my document while I'm typing and will highlight a section and delete it, or insert the text that I'm typing at the point where it's landed. It can be a big productivity waster, because I find I spend unnecessary time tracking down and correcting errant cursor flitting about in my documents.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Blackberry P 9981 - $2k for a Phone? Not Happening

Blackberry announced a new phone designed by Porche- the P 9981. Meh. Same keyboard design. Chromey and a bit thinner than my bold. New apps? Can it do all the stuff a Droid or an iPhone can? Does it have the new Microsoft OS? No.
But it has augmented reality abilities and a touch screen. And RIM says it can browse the web faster. All for a mere $2,000.
Did I say $2,000 for a Blackberry? Yes. And how many people are going to buy it? Four, maybe five people so they can keep them in the original box and try to sell them twenty years from now for millions because they'll be 'rare.'
I try not to let myself waste too much time speculating about things like this, but I wonder what the meetings were like that led to the pricing decision on a 2 thousand dollar cell phone. I might pay two thousand dollars for a phone if I could call the spirit world (and someone would answer) or God, maybe for a five minute conversation with the president or Dali Lama. But for a Blackberry? Seriously. I would LOVE to meet the people responsible for the pricing decision and learn from how that lapse of collective reasoning was made.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Cybercrime Wave that the Op-Ed Authors Didn't Address

Take a look at the article. Cybercrime isn’t defined. The authors apparently assume we know what they’re talking about. No, we don’t. Is cybercrime Internet facilitated crime that results in financial loss? Is it any activity defined by law as a crime facilitated by the Internet? What, exactly, are they talking about?
By every account, 2011 saw more data breaches than have ever. The first quarter of 2012 is on track to break that record. Online trafficking in child abuse images and infringement of intellectual property is not subsiding as more people enter the Internet community. It increases. We lack the ability to measure the rate at which these activities occur.
person per incident, if that was what the authors of the op-ed article were talking about.
Thankfully, we have seen a reduction in online auction fraud due to improvements in security and practices at the major auction sites. We have seen a drastic reduction in the number of minors lured by predators as well. Today, it is fairly safe to say that the only 13 year olds who are on chat rooms being enticed into sexual relationships are more than likely police officers.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Electronic Discovery Publication Must Read- Gartner's Magic Quadrant

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Eleventh Circuit Weighs in -- Encryption Key IS Protected by 5th Amendment

Out of a sense of obligation, I'm posting this update on 5th Amendment protection of encryption passwords. Ho hum. In United States v John Doe, the 11th Circuit ruled that yes, the 5th Amendment does protect one's encryption password as it is testimonial in nature. Right.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Spam-Smishing-Cramming: Tips

Sunday’s New York Times Technology Section carried two articles that, together, provide some valuable information to cell phone users. First, you’ve probably noticed an increase in spam on your cell phone. If you’ve got texting, you’ve no doubt received at least a couple of spam messages. Apparently, there has been a large increase in phone spam in the past three years, and a spike in phishing spam- termed ‘smishing.’
As with email spam, there’s not much you can do about it. Delete it. Not much point in blocking individual numbers, because it’s unlikely that the same number will spam you more than once. You can sign up for a service that costs money to block the spam texts. You can change your phone number. Wait- no, not really, because if you discontinue your service before your contract expires, you’re subject to an early termination fee. OR, you can do what another article in the Times mentioned in the context of another topic- cramming.
Cramming is what happens when your cellphone bill gets bigger and bigger as your provider tacks on curious charges for things you didn’t ask for and don’t use. Cramming can work insidiously with smishing to make your cellphone bill unwieldy. Here’s how it works. You get an unsolicited text and respond. That gets you signed up for a service that charges your account ten bucks a month. The cellphone company gets a cut of the charge because it bills for it.
The Times blogger brought up an excellent point. Why is it that the default isn’t that all phones don’t block unrequested services unless requested? Instead, what happens is that the companies charge customers and customers pay the charges until they notice that their bills are costing them as much as their mortgages do and they take a look at the itemized bill. When cornered, AT&T and Verizon assured the Times reporter that they will block unrequested services if requested by the subscriber. Note, though, that the customer must request that the services be blocked, so don’t assume it’s happening if you haven’t made the call.