Consumer Electronics Show and Anonymous on TV this Week- YAY!
The CES is going to be covered on starting Tuesday afternoon on Spike.
And, although the CNN website sucks and the information is not posted there, it’s reported on the network that on Sunday Jan 14 at 8 p.m. there’s going to be a program on Anonymous.
They’re the hacking group that claims responsibility for the biggest exploits of 2011. Sure, I’ll admit that buying into media coverage of a hacking group like Anonymous is the same thing as sopping up the clap trap fed to us by terrorists. But, ignoring Anonymous is something we do at our peril, apparently. They’ve hacked the CIA and NATO and Straffor. Anonymous is really scary and important because they are, no kidding, smarter than we are in lots of ways. And, we’re doing a crappy job of protect ourselves against the threats they pose.
For one thing, they’re making pretty easy work of showing up our top flight security and intelligence resources- like NATO and Straffor and the CIA. You’d think those sources would be locked down pretty tight- you know, there’d be solid access controls, encryption, if the sites were compromised they wouldn’t be back up unless they were hack-proof. NOT. Although I definitely do not subscribe to feeding the beast, I do admit we’re being taken to school. I, for one, am going to be watching.
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