If you missed the piece Saturday on Anonymous, CNN posted it online at:
You can order a Guy Fawkes mask from Amazon for as little as $4.00 (before shipping) here:
Guy Fawkes lived in the 1500's in England. He's famous for leading a group of rebels who tried to blow up the House of Lords. His plot was discovered when a coconspirator revealed it to a member of the House of Lords by allegedly sending a note saying to stay away on November 5. The country celebrates a holiday called 'Bonfire Night,' during which they set off fireworks and light bonfires. Manic The holiday is officially intended to celebrate the safety of the monarch. People make dummies to symbolize Guy Fawkes, and throw them on the fires.
The mask that has come to be associated with Guy Fawkes is the one adopted by Anonymous as the symbol of its group. The association between the Guy Fawkes mask and Anonymous is that Fawkes struck at government- he attempted to blow up the House of Lords. And, he maintained his anonymity. Of course, he did so unsuccessfully, but go with it. . . It's cool and it's symbolic and so far they're on a roll.
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